Los caminos Spider-Man: No Way Home y Matrix 4 Resurrections interactúan con sus pasados

Spider-Man: No Way Home y Matrix 4 Resurrections Dos de los últimos estrenos de 2021 tienen una relación fascinante con sus historias cinematográficas – (Crédito de la imagen: Warner Bros.) Advertencia: este artículo trata sobre los principales spoilers de The Matrix Resurrections y Spider-Man: No Way Home “Nada reconforta la ansiedad como un poco deContinueContinue reading “Los caminos Spider-Man: No Way Home y Matrix 4 Resurrections interactúan con sus pasados”

Matrix 4 Resurrections Predicciones de taquilla usará su kung fu para derrotar a Spidey?

Claro, todos predijeron que ” Spider-Man: No Way Home ” dominaría la taquilla del fin de semana pasado , pero pocos podrían haber previsto su enorme recaudación nacional de 259 millones de dólares. (Eso lo colocó en el puesto número 1 en la lista de éxitos de 2021 , por delante de “Shang-Chi y laContinueContinue reading “Matrix 4 Resurrections Predicciones de taquilla usará su kung fu para derrotar a Spidey?”

Matrix 4: Resurrections Everything we know about Keanu Reeves

The first trailer Matrix 4: Resurrections movie, A few days ago, those attending the Keanu Reeves n in Las Vegas were able to enjoy a curious movie event. During Warner presentation, The Matrix: Resurrections the fourth movie in the legendary saga of the Wachowski sisters, was released (2021) upcoming movie The Matrix 4 Resurrections TheContinueContinue reading “Matrix 4: Resurrections Everything we know about Keanu Reeves”

Matrix 4: Resurrections Everything you need to know about the trilogy before watching Keanu Reeves new movie

Matrix 4 Resurrections — starring Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Anne Moss — resurrects Neo and Trinity, who officially died in the third film in the franchise. Matrix 4 Movie is closer than ever. However, the production plot remains a great mystery, as the narrative arc ends without loose ends in The Matrix Revolutions. For those whoContinueContinue reading “Matrix 4: Resurrections Everything you need to know about the trilogy before watching Keanu Reeves new movie”